
I’m on a temporary hiatus due to final exams, but may still post when I get the chance. I am, however, currently discussing a change in format/collaboration with one of my players, so we’ll have to wait and see where that goes.


At the moment, there are 4 regular articles.

DBZ 101
I want to provide content for the community as a whole in regards to the game itself. This would cover everything from card analysis to game mechanics, really anything to do with actually playing the game itself. Granted, there’s only a finite number of topics in the category, and most sties will wind up overlapping or repeating each other to some extent. Honestly, that’s ok. Some people respond better to a certain style or like one person’s work more than another’s. As long as people are actively engaged and can find the information they want, it doesn’t really matter who gives it or how.

Weekend Update
I want foster a more inclusive, interconnected community. To that extent, I will be posting links to, and commenting on, what goes on in the community. Please note that while I will inform about other sites, comment on their work, and even respond, I won’t give you everything about everything. You’ll get enough for me to discuss it and, hopefully, pique your interest. I WANT people to go and visit those sites, to read or hear what they’re saying first hand, and to get you involved in their work.

The Metagame
I’ll also post my own thoughts or ramblings about game-related subjects that aren’t necessarily technical in nature. That is, they’ll be about something other than the actual playing of the game. Hopefully this isn’t too confusing- I’m using the term literally, meaning it’s about something beyond the game itself.

Retro Spotlight
I also intend to indulge myself and allow occasional articles about the original Score game, and possibly relate it to the Panini version. And yes, the name is a nod to RetroDBZ for being so influential in maintaining the community for Old-Z.

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